Types of Sapphire Gems
Blue Sapphire
The original, most popular, most common sapphire. Wisdom in power, strength, kindness, and wise judgement.
Black Sapphire
Wisdom in one’s own intuition and protection
Green Sapphire
Wisdom in fidelity and integrity
Orange Sapphire
Wisdom in creation, sensuality, and spirituality
Pink Sapphire
Wisdom of resilience, forgiveness, and release of past
White Sapphire
Wisdom in strength and communication
Yellow Sapphire
Wisdom in prosperity, goals, and ambition
Our Gems
Salena: I am an orange sapphire because I’ve dedicated my life to the expression of ideas and artistic truths through the art of poetry. As a fountain of creativity, my hope is to encourage myself and others to revel in the sensory experience that is creating and viewing art in all forms.
Gigi: I am a black sapphire because I don’t let the chaos around me get in the way of my goals. Ever since I started working, I haven’t stopped. I’ve remained grounded with the wisdom I’ve gained and lessons I’ve learned. I am overprotective of my own heart and soul as well as those around me.
Christine: I am a pink sapphire because of my resiliency. Regardless of difficult circumstances, I’ve been able to emerge not only alive, but while maintaining a commitment to compassion. I hope to bring a sense of calm to others around me and continue to grow strength of self.