Black And… will feature creative work that illustrates the intersections of Blackness and the other identity categories (such as class, gender, sexuality, nationality, place of origin, etc.). This publication is meant to uplift the voices of people from across the Black diaspora and to give them the space to tell their stories.
Click the image above to view Black And… Issue 1!
Click here for a full list of contributors for this issue!

Submission Guidelines
We accept submissions via Submittable only. We do not accept submissions via email.
We publish photography and creative writing (including but not limited to: flash fiction, short stories, formal verse, prose poems, experimental forms, and translations). We accept text submissions in English only (translations accepted). Indicate in the title field if your work is in translation and upload a copy of the original work along with your submission. (Note: Rights for translation must be obtained by the translator before submitting.)
Please submit up to five pages of poems (one poem per page unless longer than a page) in a single document (.doc, .docx, .pdf). For prose, a submission should be no more than 1000 words. Due to time constraints, we will not read your submission if it’s over the limit. Text should be in 12pt font, set in Arial or Times New Roman, single-spaced. Photography submissions should include 3-5 separate files (.png, .jpg). Please title your entry with the title/s of your submitted work.
One submission per genre/category is allowed per person. We do not accept previously published work.Simultaneous submissions are acceptable and encouraged. Please notify us by withdrawing your submission on Submittable immediately if it is accepted for publication elsewhere.
We will respond through Submittable within two months regarding the status of your submission. Please keep this in mind as you consider simultaneous submissions.
We regret that we cannot pay contributors for accepted work at this time, but will offer a free digital copy and a discount on physical copies if your work is published.